The “boxer at rest”. Who was he really?

The boxer at rest is one of the very rare original Greek bronzes found in Rome. The attribution to Lysippos is uncertain as is the dating: 4th century BC.
The statue, of impressive realism, fixes the boxer in the fatal moment of the verdict: victory or defeat.
It imposes an emotional participation on the observer. One does not stand in front of the boxer without entering into his expectation, without noticing the marks on his face.
This emotional participation leads us to ask ourselves: who is this mature man?

Portus the ancient port of Rome

46 AD the emperor Claudius built a port 3km north of Ostia, the Portus Ostiensis Augusti.64 AD the port was inaugurated by Nero. 100-112 AD Apollodorus of Damascus on behalf of Trajan adds the hexagonal basin to the port of Claudius.  537 AD invasion of the Goths, the citizens of Portus fled, depopulating the cityContinua a leggere “Portus the ancient port of Rome”